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CELITECH provides its partners with access to a dedicated admin dashboard, streamlining the process of managing eSIMs, viewing API activities, and more. Here's a comprehensive overview of the dashboard's features and functionalities:

Live Visibility

The dashboard provides a comprehensive view of eSIM purchases, allowing partners to gain insights into transaction data for any specified timeframe. Furthermore, partners can delve into specific eSIM details, including their activation status, and access additional information regarding the package associated with each eSIM. This intricate level of visibility equips partners with the tools needed to understand purchase patterns, troubleshoot issues, and make informed decisions regarding package offerings and marketing strategies

Create eSIM

Partners can create a new eSIM or top-up an existing one through the “Create eSIM” page directly from the dashboard using a simple user interface. This feature allows quick provisioning of eSIMs without the need for complex API calls.

Troubleshoot eSIM

The dashboard also facilitates eSIM troubleshooting, primarily under the “eSIM Info” section. Here's a detailed look at how this section helps with eSIM management:

eSIM QR Code

  • One-Time Scan: The eSIM QR code can only be scanned once to activate the first device.
  • Post-Scan Status: After a user scans the eSIM QR, the partner can only read the eSIM status.

eSIM Info

Using the eSIM ICCID, various details can be fetched from the dashboard:

  • Connectivity Status: Indicated as 'ACTIVE' during selected package dates; otherwise, it would be 'NOT_ACTIVE'.
  • eSIM Status: Reflects various states, including 'RELEASED', 'DOWNLOADED', 'INSTALLED', 'ENABLED', 'DELETED', or 'ERROR'.
    • RELEASED: Issued to the user
    • DOWNLOADED: Downloaded in the user's device
    • INSTALLED: Installed in the user's device but disabled (i.e. turned OFF)
    • ENABLED: Enabled in the user's device (i.e. turned ON)
    • DELETED: Permanently deleted from the user's device
    • ERROR: Error during the installation

eSIM Expiration

  • Package Expiration: Connectivity packages (e.g., 1GB in the US for Dec. 25 - 30, 2021) expire at midnight of the end date (i.e., Dec. 30, 2021, midnight), and the connectivity status accordingly turns from “ACTIVE” to “NOT_ACTIVE”
  • Installed eSIM: Doesn't expire as long as the user doesn't delete it from the device.

Manual Activation Code

  • Includes: “SM-DP+ Address” and “Activation Code”
  • Usage: This activation code can be shared with the user if they prefer to manually add the eSIM to the device (instead of scanning the eSIM QR).

Accessing API Credentials

Under the “Developers” section in the dashboard, partners can find their API credentials required to access the CELITECH API. These credentials enable seamless integration and interaction with various services.


The CELITECH Dashboard provides a robust interface for partners to manage eSIM-related activities effectively. With real-time insights, user-friendly eSIM creation, and comprehensive troubleshooting options, it offers a complete solution for eSIM management. For further details and support, please reach out to CELITECH's support team.